
Friday, February 8, 2013

My Friend Cool Tool Shed is having his 1st give-away! Check it out. The link to his site is on the right side of this post. 

COOL TOOL SHED’s Giveaway #1

Cool Tool Shed is proud to announce our 1st tool giveaway!
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Micro-Jig LogoMicro Jig has graciously donated a GRR-Ripper 200 to giveaway in conjunction with

Mustang Clock Build

 My Step Son is a big Ford Mustang buff and asked me to make him a Mustang Clock. This is what I came up with, with the assistance of my friend The Box Store Craftsman. I purchased an emblem on Ebay that was in good condition. All I had to do was repaint the red, white and blue stripes.  I need to give it a little sanding and a couple more coats of lacquer and it will be done.

You can check out The Box Store Craftsman's web site for cool plans and idea's by clicking the link on the right side of this page.